Make Sharing Agreements


If for-profit corporations working in market-based systems can positively impact intractable social problems, can legal agreements among collaborators perform a useful function – and even a thrivable one?  Consider agreements between collaborators—let’s call them “sharing agreements.”  So, what is in these agreements and how do they come into being?  The specific content and path will vary, but here are some general principles:

Leveraging the Structure Provided By Sharing Agreements...

As with anything, the energy you put into your agreements will determine what you get out of them.  If you view them as an opportunity to deepen and secure a relationship, you will likely end up with a different outcome than if you view them as a hassle or an obstacle.  And if you view the developmental process for your sharing agreement as an opportunity for relationship building, you may find that you will end up with both a more effective agreement and a stronger partnership.
