expand_less Thrivable Society is a community whereinspace where people with a variety of interests and backgrounds come together to explore the living edge. Here we play the Infinite Game. If you are led by curiosity, seeking the living edge of possibility, want to scan the known dimensions of Thrivability, then you haveare foundin the bestright playspace!
You have reached our knowledge base - a homegrown Wiki structured as series of nested cards. We invite you to joincontribute usto inour thiscollective playfulepistemic stance,weirdness, where we hold both the serious gravity of the world as it is and the opportunity for whimsical bliss. Here,bliss. Here, we dance between sincerity and irony as we co-create a more curious and more kind world. Acknowledging that we are profoundly interdependent, we gratefully embrace small abundance and beauty, in ourselves and with others, and with all life. 
Wanna keep exploring? [[https://www.thrivablesociety.org|Join our real-time flows as a Community]] Our lively community has regular events, fore/back-casting calls, and podcasts too, oh my! Thrivable Society [[https://www.thrivablesociety.org|flows]] grow the stock of wisdom here.
We benevolent tricksters and agents of epiphanies welcome you!
Grab your pataphysical compass, because here is how to orient in this playspace: